
General Physics A (I)#



  • Prof. Pochung Chen

  • R521, Physics building

  • pcchen {at} phys {dot} nthu {dot} edu {dot} tw

Teaching Assistant#

  • 莊鎮銓 b06209036 {at} gmail {dot} com

  • Office: R311

Lecture Time#

  • T3T4R3R4


  • Thursday 7-8pm.

  • Room 313


  • GEN III 101/綜三 101


  • Midterm (45%)+ final (45%) + homework (10%)

  • Scientific calculator is allowed in the exams.

    • Programming and plotting are not allowed.


In this semester we plan to cover following topics

Part 1: Mechanics#

  1. Physics and Measurement

  2. Motion in One Dimension

  3. Vectors

  4. Motion in Two dimensions

  5. The Laws of Motion

  6. Circular Motion and Other Applications of Newton’s Laws

  7. Energy of a System

  8. Conservation of Energy

  9. Linear Momentum and Collisions

  10. Rotation of a Rigid Object About a Fixed Axis

  11. Angular Momentum

  12. Static Equilibrium and Elasticity

  13. Universal Gravitation

  14. Fluid Mechanics

Part 2: Oscillations and Mechanical Waves#

  1. Oscillatory Motion

  2. Wave Motion

  3. Superposition and Standing Waves

Part 3: Thermodynamics#

  1. Temperature

  2. The First Law of Thermodynamics

  3. The Kinetic Theory of Gases

  4. Heat Engines, Entropy, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics


  • This course follows a 16-week syllabus

  • AI tools (like ChatGPT) are allowed with necessary explanations


  • Chapter 5: Problem 18, 23, 31, 42, 51. Due on 10/1

  • Chapter 7: Problem 1, 15, 26, 31, 41. Due on 10/1

Weekly schedule#

  • Week 1

    • 9/3/2024: Ch1-Ch4

    • 9/5/2024: Ch1-Ch4

  • Week 2

    • 9/10/2024: Ch5-Ch6

    • 9/12/2024: Ch7-Ch9

  • Week 3

    • 9/17/2024: 中秋節Mid-Autumn Festival (no class)

    • 9/19/2024: Ch7-Ch9

  • Week 4

    • 9/24/2024: Ch10

    • 9/26/2024: Ch10

  • Week 5

    • 10/1/2024: Ch11

    • 10/3/2024: Ch11

  • Week 6

    • 10/8/2024: Ch12

    • 10/10/2024: 國慶日Double Tenth Day (no class)

  • Week 7

    • 10/15/2024: Ch12

    • 11/17/2024: Ch13

  • Week 8

    • 10/22/2024: Ch13

    • 11/24/2024: Ch14

  • Week 9

    • 10/29/2024: Midterm (Ch1-Ch14)

    • 10/31/2024: Ch15

  • Week 10

    • 11/5/2024: Ch16

    • 11/7/2024: Ch16

  • Week 11

    • 11/12/2024: Ch17

    • 11/14/2024: Ch17

  • Week 12

    • 11/19/2024: Ch18

    • 11/21/2024: Ch18

  • Week 13

    • 11/26/2024: Ch19

    • 11/28/2024: Ch19

  • Week 14

    • 12/3/2024: Ch20

    • 12/5/2024: Ch20

  • Week 15

    • 12/10/2024: Ch21

    • 12/12/2024: Ch21

  • Week 16

    • 12/17/2024: Ch21

    • 12/19/2024: Final (Ch15-Ch21)